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January 2009 on India Travel Blog

Here is a summary of posts on India Travel Blog in January.

Pushkar and Jaisalmer

* Pushkar – I
* Pushkar – II
* Encounters from Pushkar
* Pushkar to Jaisalmer
* seeing Jaisalmer
* Badal Singh and Khuri Village
* Sand dunes of Khuri

Book Reviews

* Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer
* The Great Arc by John Keay

Around Bangalore

* The lukewarm winter
* Manchanabele
* Eating out in Bangalore

I spend a lot of time everyday browsing the web looking for good travel writings and useful reads. Starting this month, I will be posting here some of the travel related content that I come across, with an intent to share the best of travel content on the web with readers of India Travel Blog. Would love to know your feedbacks on it.

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